3222 Trail Run, Saturday @ 06:00
Running in the Lesotho mountains at 3000m is an Adventure of a Lifetime. The routes have been designed to accommodate everyone. This is all about experiencing and adventure that you will talk about for years. The new 21 k sprint is a downhill run from AfriSki along Black River Mountain and ending at the river where its party time and you get a free beer and Boerie roll. We then give you a lift back up the mountain to Afri Ski. We also have the 5k and 10k for the walkers.
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2021-02-27 06:00
2021-02-28 12:00
3222 Trail Run
Running in the Lesotho mountains at 3000m is an Adventure of a Lifetime. The routes have been designed to accommodate everyone. This is all about experiencing and adventure that you will talk about for years. The new 21 k sprint is a downhill run from AfriSki along Black River Mountain and ending at the river where its party time and you get a free beer and Boerie roll. We then give you a lift back up the mountain to Afri Ski. We also have the 5k and 10k for the walkers.
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AfriSki -Lesotho
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